This past Saturday the high school group had a "No-Ball" event in lieu of the annual city-wide Snowball dance. We had a terrific lasagna meal at the church, along with an encouraging message from Matt MacCollin, before heading up to the Lloyd Center in Portland to play a little broom ball. Ice is a lot more painful than it looks. Nobody was seriously hurt. Only some minor concussions, bruises, and mild frost bite. The freshmen and staff took on the sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The upperclassmen held the lead at half-time, but the scoring floodgates opened in the second half for the youngsters/oldies. Final score: 24-19...Frosh and staff won!
Awards to be passed out:
Most aggressive/purplest finger - Dylan Korgan
Best fall - Tyler Howell
Hardest fall - Tyler Howell
First to run head-first into the wall - Tyler Howell
Most blood drawn - Hannah Miller
Least amount of blood drawn - Kendra Chica
Most falls - Kyle Rossi
Biggest facemask/shoulderpads/chest protector/gloves - Dylan Sobey
Oldest on the ice/youngest at heart - Vince Castronovo
Least traction on the soles of his shoes - Ryan Eiler
Most willing to try and run/fall on the slickest part of the ice - Eric Tate
Most times arguing the score with the referee - Zac Bell
Loudest shrieks of horror - Freshmen girls
that was sooo much fun!
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