Friday, August 29, 2008

Cause travel tip for the day...

Your bags go on the conveyer go on the plane!

STOCKHOLM (AFP) - An elderly woman misunderstood instructions while checking in at Sweden's main airport and was whisked down a baggage shoot after she placed herself instead of her luggage on the belt, media reported Wednesday. The 78-year-old woman, who was not named, was preparing to fly from Stockholm's Arlanda airport to Germany on Tuesday when she lay down on an unmanned baggage belt in the belief she was following check-in instructions, the Upsala Nya Tidning local daily reported on its website. She was quickly swept off to the baggage handling centre, where staff members helped get her back on her feet. The woman suffered no serious injury and caught her flight as planned.;_ylt=AmFtNge7ZUN2fUNJsexVisbtiBIF

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Thoughts: Life transformation and bathroom remodeling

So I've been thinking quite a bit about this whole growth thing in light of studying for yesterday's message and there is one more thought that I had to add to what was already shared. Obviously growth is important for any believer but Scripture also talks about transformation. Romans 12:2 says that we are to not "be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." The marks of maturity in our lives (i.e. discernment, boldness, diligence, faithfulness, etc.) are the ways in which growth is demonstrated in our lives. But the process of growth is called transformation. The way Paul writes that phrase "be transformed" is in such a way that something else is doing the transforming to the individual. The hardest part to come to grips with is that I can't transform my own life. It is when I submit my life to the Word of God and the Spirit of God that the process of transformation takes place and the marks of growth can then be seen in how my life is lived. I don't change myself...He changes me. It's kind of like my bathroom (as I have mentioned recently). As you can see in the pictures below there is a vast difference between what it looked like before and what it looks like after. The thing I want you to key in on is the fact that the bathroom couldn't remodel itself. Someone else (me) had to do the work. It just sat there and let me pound away, scrape, cut, and shape it until it was finished. In the same way God has to be the One to transform and "remodel" our lives. Philippians 1:6 says, "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Our entire saved life is one long remodel job. Are you letting Him transform you?



Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Beach Olympics 2007

As many have requested, here is the Beach Olympics video from last summer. I am currently in the process of putting the video together from this summer's B.O. event. Enjoy! Oh, and yes, that is me running after the giant ball...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Beach Olympics 2008

What a difference from last year! A day at the beach just isn't the same without rain, is it? Below are some pictures from the second annual Cause Beach Olympics. The team that took home the gold medal was the Moses Mafia Militia. There have been many requests to post the video from last year's B.O. so I will do so when I finish this year's video and post them together.